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How to perfectly trim your beard

Apart from clean shoes, stiff clothes and smelling good, there is one more aspect for standing out in public which is very important to take care off and that is grooming! Grooming and manscaping are 2 most important factors of personal hygiene which should not be ignored. Ever searched about "How to trim beard perfectly" or "How to get a perfect beard"?  You should know the importance of grooming your facial hairs as they outspeak for you in public. Today I am going over 8 tips and trick for beard grooming and beard shaving which will help you to groom your beard in a pleasing manner for a better look. 1) Hot towel on the face   You may not take it on a serious note while shaving but consider this tip and use a hot towel before starting your shave or starting your trim. Putting a hot towel on the face soften your beard and that allows you to get smoother shave even against the grain. If you are trimming your beard use th...

How to maintain yourself while travelling on Bike

Commuting on a bike is fun but it comes with the cost of skin tan and pollution. In a country like India where pollution is at the peak, people use various measures while commuting on a motorbike or while taking a bike ride which affects their health and style both at the same time.

bike ride, bike tan, best helmet, best places for a bike ride, how to stop dust on bike ride, pollution in India

Today I am going through 4 tips you can adopt in your commuting habits which will make a difference in your style and health both!

Use respirators instead of a handkerchief

People in India cover their face while traveling on a motorbike and that's obvious as they want to stay safe from inhaling pollutants while driving but, what they do is that they tie a 
handkerchief on the face before they start driving and assume it as the safest way to avoid pollution and diseases.

They don't really understand that its completely unhygienic as the handkerchief is already polluted with the bacterias you by your all day use over that, a handkerchief cannot stop micro dust particles from entering your respiratory system while you drive! The best way to solve this is to replace the handkerchief with a Respirator and you have many goods for doing so:

A - It's hygienic 
  • You don't use it every time after your handwash. With respirators, you can use them several times and then dispose of them safely.
B - It fits better 
  • Respirators cover your face and have the rubbers straps which run behind the back of your head which gives you a perfect fit while riding, on the other side the handkerchief lose the position and needs to be set multiple times.
C - They stop dust particles 
  • Respirators have a double and triple carbon filter mechanism which block all the micro dust particles from entering your respiratory system which your beloved handkerchief failed to do and that is the reason you should replace it with a proper respirator. Also, respirators have the grade which makes them fully suitable to stop 85%,95%, and 99% pollution entering in your system.
 D - Things don't get clumsy with respirators
  • Managing more than one handkerchief can be a task and maintaining it in a proper folded manner after using them to cover your face is something you don't want people to see, it looks clumsy and automatically displays you as a clumsy person.

Try full sleeves or an arm sleeve

"Being fair is too mainstream," somebody told me this one day. If you are one of those people who are too much particular about their skin getting tan and losing their glow you surely don't want to travel in half or sleeveless shirt. Some of the cities in India like Ahmedabad gets really hot in summer and people get tans and even sunburns which can lastingly damage your skin and you don't want that. While riding or commuting on a motorbike try wearing a full sleeve shirt which will protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun and apply a tanning lotion before you go out in the sun. 

If you cannot just resist wearing your favorite superhero t-shirt try using a good quality arm sleeve while you are out on a bike ride it works equally well and protects your skin from sun tan.

Wearing a Full Face Helmet!

You have always questioned if your hairs staying set just like in the movies when the hero open ups his helmet and have his hairs set just absolutely fine, don't you? That's rare I know!

Apart from your hairdressing Helmets are the best thing that you can find as an accessory for your ride as it just not only saves your head but also your style and your health! Yes, helmets give your protection from the heat of the sun, the dust particles on the road and it also keeps your vision clean while driving so your eyes stay protected and you can look on a longer distance which makes your drive safe and fun.

Always prefer a full face helmet as it covers your full face and provides you with all the above bliss.

Keeping your top button closed

Yes, I know you need air while you are riding and I understand that very well but try driving at 60 km/h for 5km and your style gets a hit. What happens is that when you are riding on the highway the air force mess up the contour of your shirt and makes it look clumsy at the end of your drive the collar is not on its place and you have to set it throughout the day if you want to look perfect.

Try closing the topmost button of your shirt before starting your bike ride and trust me you will feel the difference! Keeping the button close does not spread your shirt collars and the contour of the shirt is maintained. It's a small tip which can make a big difference in your looks especially when you have a meeting followed by a long bike ride.

 Apart from this, always follow traffic rules and respect the people riding around you, we all want to reach our destinations early but not at the cost of someone's life.


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Seamless Lifestyle
My name is Ezaz Shaikh and I am based in India, the sole purpose of this website is to educate modern Men and Woman to dress not just in clothes but, confidence. Also to improve your take on Lifestyle and grooming! Feel free to leave your opinions and feedback in the comment and keep supporting my work, it helps me to prosper!

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