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How to perfectly trim your beard

Apart from clean shoes, stiff clothes and smelling good, there is one more aspect for standing out in public which is very important to take care off and that is grooming! Grooming and manscaping are 2 most important factors of personal hygiene which should not be ignored. Ever searched about "How to trim beard perfectly" or "How to get a perfect beard"?  You should know the importance of grooming your facial hairs as they outspeak for you in public. Today I am going over 8 tips and trick for beard grooming and beard shaving which will help you to groom your beard in a pleasing manner for a better look. 1) Hot towel on the face   You may not take it on a serious note while shaving but consider this tip and use a hot towel before starting your shave or starting your trim. Putting a hot towel on the face soften your beard and that allows you to get smoother shave even against the grain. If you are trimming your beard use th...

9 Lifestyle Changes You Need to Make Right Now!

Nobody has ever achieved Success by doing the same thing they do every day. Change is the only thing that's permanent and you should learn to adopt the same. While its good to adopt changes and fight with whatever life throws at you. There are some changes you need to make from your end which will drastically open you up and give you a more better lifestyle compared to your current one.

Don't be dragged back by your monotonous routine and try to incorporate the following Lifestyle changes in your day to be more productive and healthy. 

Men's fashion, Hacks, etiquette, lifestyle, motivation, changes, how to change a lifestyle



Now, this may sound like a boring thing and you will probably not want to do that but wait a minute and think, How much you know about the world around you? exactly! There are many benefits of reading. Reading opens up's your mind, provide you with new ideas, new perception to see a thing in a more wider way and what not. Reading stimulates your creativity and teaches you to give attention to details. Start small with light books and make it a good read. Incorporate that in your Lifestyle, you will definitely see a change. 


Morning Routine

You love your bed we know that, but being an early bird it has its own benefits. Start with Detoxifying your body take a glass of lukewarm water, squeeze a lemon or two, drink it, and then start your morning routine.

By morning routine I mean to stick to some things which give you health benefits along with mental peace like go for a run, do meditation for an hour, most importantly start with a habit. Waking up early or Starting a day early and fresh makes you organized and Active throughout the day. Try it for yourself.


Take time for Yourself

Relax nobody is more important than you. Learn your own greatness and cut some slack, there is no need to please everybody, do everything, play every role and don't have time for yourself at the end of the day. If your development is not getting you your mental peace, it's costly! Do what makes you happy, Eat your Favorite food, Go on a Vacation, shop the thing you like, sit on a beach for hours, interact with Nature and embrace its beauty most importantly invest in self-care and don't try to be a people pleaser. Learn to say No and take care of yourself. You're Beautiful after all!



A Sound body makes a Sound Mind! Staying Fit and Healthy Fitness is not only an activity in today's world but its a Lifestyle. Be it Running, Weight training, Cardio or Yoga you have to choose your spot and stick to the same. There are many Benefits of a Workout routine it releases hormones which are responsible for your body growth (Testosterones) and it also relaxes your stress. Working out or going to the Gym regularly makes you feel more active throughout the day. Had a Bad day at the office? Well, the weights are waiting!


Social Media Detox

Many of you who are reading this are obsessed with this addiction and the scary thing is you don't even know! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp we use them daily but know when to put a line between your Social life and your Personal life. I am not saying do not use them I know some are necessary for you to function with work on a daily basis but try limiting the use for the same, use them for good. Try diverting your Social Media time to other things like Learning a habit, working out or reading. As Thanos said, Keep things Balanced!

Be Grateful

We all want better, appreciating things is an Art not everybody can do that! I have seen people with Luxuries and they sleep restless and I have also seen people being poor but happy. It's very easy to look up to the world and say you don't have what they have and forget how fortunate you still are at the same time. Take time and thank God for what you have, help others in need and tell your loved ones how much you love them and how much they matter to you, reach out to one friend every week and stay connected with people who make you feel happy. Some people cannot open up and tell other people about their feelings but it's important to tell people how you feel about them. You have a great potential to make your life wonderful with what you have right now. Use that!


Communication is responsible for building yourself up. Human's judge too quickly and that's not how you should live your life. It's easy to form an opinion without knowing the backstory. Listening to other people makes them feel valued which gives you healthy relations. It also allows you to understand them and see the situation by their prospect. Don't try to rule the conversation by just speaking, learn when to speak and when to listen. The more you listen the more you see.

Eat Healthy

Eating a balanced and healthy diet has numerous benefits. It improves your mood, improves your Metabolism, prevent diseases, helps in depression, Boosts energy and the list goes on! Junk food is hard to give up but once you start living and eating healthy you will never regret the decision. 

Sleeping early

This may be tuff but it goes in Sync with all the above points! Going bed early allows you to wake up early which automatically increases your productivity and keeps you active throughout the day going early to bed also somewhat limits your Social Media usage as most people are active on Social media at night. it is very essential to take a good sleep of at least 8 hours before you start your day, are you sleeping that well?

So the takeaway from this article is that work will never end and you will not get more than 24 hrs to live a day so it's on you to optimize your time by introducing this essential lifestyle changes for your own betterment. Good things Take time and adapting these habits will also take time but start small and try to accomplish small targets eventually you will find how more optimize you can get with your time and your way of living!

                              Now Stand up and Don't just exist, Live!


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Seamless Lifestyle
My name is Ezaz Shaikh and I am based in India, the sole purpose of this website is to educate modern Men and Woman to dress not just in clothes but, confidence. Also to improve your take on Lifestyle and grooming! Feel free to leave your opinions and feedback in the comment and keep supporting my work, it helps me to prosper!

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