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How to perfectly trim your beard

Apart from clean shoes, stiff clothes and smelling good, there is one more aspect for standing out in public which is very important to take care off and that is grooming! Grooming and manscaping are 2 most important factors of personal hygiene which should not be ignored. Ever searched about "How to trim beard perfectly" or "How to get a perfect beard"?  You should know the importance of grooming your facial hairs as they outspeak for you in public. Today I am going over 8 tips and trick for beard grooming and beard shaving which will help you to groom your beard in a pleasing manner for a better look. 1) Hot towel on the face   You may not take it on a serious note while shaving but consider this tip and use a hot towel before starting your shave or starting your trim. Putting a hot towel on the face soften your beard and that allows you to get smoother shave even against the grain. If you are trimming your beard use th...

7 times when Eminem Inspired us!

"If people take anything from my music, it should be motivation to know that anything is possible as long as you keep working at it and don't back down"
Above are the lines by the worlds best rapper Eminem. We all know Eminem as a king of controversies and one rude whiteboy with tons of attitude. Eminem has a hard past and has distanced himself from his mother and his wife keeping close to him his beloved daughter Helly and he has insulted them in some most brutal manner through his rhymes but lately Eminem realized the same and got a drastic change when the core of his rhymes changed from hate to motivation and he started producing some best's of his carrier.

Best of Eminem, Eminem songs, Shady undisputed, best of shady

Below are some of my favorite lines from Eminem's track which will never fail to inspire you at any moment of your life.
1)  "The game ain't gonna be the same on the day I leave it"
Drop the world is one of the most anticipated songs from Lil Waynes album due to the guest feature of Eminem. Eminem spits some of the rhymes which are the most memorable and the above is simply motivating!
2) "Why be a king when you can be a god!"
Adding to another World record for Eminem this is one of the most furious tracks from Eminem's Carrier. The song Rap God was praised by critics and made an audience believed one more time that no one can beat Eminem. The heart of this song is when Eminem raps 101 words in 16.45 seconds an average of 6.14 words per second calling it a Supersonic speed and booking a World record for Eminem.
3) "Spit on Shit on Stepped on but kept going I'm trying to be headstrong"
Carrying the heart of the movie Southpaw one of the most beautiful rhymes ever written by Eminem is "Kings never die" the song carries the theme of the movie of never giving up and has some of the most motivating lines ever jotted on a pad.
4)  "I will not fall, I will stand tall, feels like no one can beat me"
 The double platinum-certified Till I collapse and the official soundtrack of movie Real Steel is a single by rapper Eminem and is way more motivating than your basketball coach ever will be!
5) "But are you prepared to give more than you get?"
The line is from the song Phenomenal which joins Kings Never Die in the movie Southpaw in this Eminem talks about falling up and getting up back again concluding the theme of Never Give up!
6) I guess we would have to walk a mile in each others shoes atleast, what size you wear? I wear tens lets see if you can fit your feets!
Making it to the A-List of BBC Radio 1 the lines are from Eminem's Beautiful from album Relapse where he talks about people judging him and talking shit about him, it is a beautiful piece of Music which ends with the most amazing line to stick as a life advice "Don't ever let no one tell you, you ain't beautiful!"
7) "Success is my only motherfucking option, failure's not"
Concluding with Eminem's best till date the lines are from the song Lose Yourself from Eminem's movie 8 Miles. The song received best of Eminem's title and was at No.1 on the Billboard Hot 100 for 10 weeks. In March 2018 it had sold 10 million copy and was certified as diamond. Eminem did win an Oscar for the same.

Eminem may have been accused, offered and dissed by many of the rappers in the industry but still managed to be the greatest rapper alive with his incredibly strong lyrics and jaw-dropping flow of rhymes, Truly earning him the title of Rapgod.

Let me know in the comment section about your favorite Eminem track and also about your views on best rappers.

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Seamless Lifestyle
My name is Ezaz Shaikh and I am based in India, the sole purpose of this website is to educate modern Men and Woman to dress not just in clothes but, confidence. Also to improve your take on Lifestyle and grooming! Feel free to leave your opinions and feedback in the comment and keep supporting my work, it helps me to prosper!

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