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How to perfectly trim your beard

Apart from clean shoes, stiff clothes and smelling good, there is one more aspect for standing out in public which is very important to take care off and that is grooming! Grooming and manscaping are 2 most important factors of personal hygiene which should not be ignored. Ever searched about "How to trim beard perfectly" or "How to get a perfect beard"?  You should know the importance of grooming your facial hairs as they outspeak for you in public. Today I am going over 8 tips and trick for beard grooming and beard shaving which will help you to groom your beard in a pleasing manner for a better look. 1) Hot towel on the face   You may not take it on a serious note while shaving but consider this tip and use a hot towel before starting your shave or starting your trim. Putting a hot towel on the face soften your beard and that allows you to get smoother shave even against the grain. If you are trimming your beard use th...

6 proven tips for growing an awesome beard

Ever had a question how to grow a beard or how to grow a beard faster? The personality of a modern man is not complete till he grows an awesome beard, beard growth has recently been a hot topic and is trending like nothing else, a beard makes a man look more masculine, matured and responsibly remove the beard and you will look like a 10-year-old kid!

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Beard is a natural thing and starts growing when you hit puberty, it is directly linked with the stimulations of the hair follicles on the face along with dihydrotesterone (DHT) which continues to affect your beard growth during and after puberty. The rate at which your beard grows or doesn't grow is also related to your genetics but don't worry if your father has a good beard, you will also have one but it will take time. Using different kinds of beard growth oils, beard conditioners, beard growth supplements, and other beard growth products will just condition your beard but won't accelerate its growth.

For example the genetics of the people living India in Punjab and Rajasthan are really strong and they will attend a full beard growth at a very early age, the growth of our beard really depends upon your geography and genetics both, it's nothing like you will not attend a full beard if you live elsewhere you will attend a full beard but it takes time for your vellus hairs to transform into terminal hair so that your facial hair growth is enhanced and your beard looks thicker and strong

Today I am going over Six proven growth and grooming tips to grow a masculine beard!

Don't disturb the process
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Let me break your Myth that shaving helps your beard grow faster NO! it does not help to grow your beard faster nor does beard oil, growing a beard is not an overnight job and will never happen in a short span of time, your vellus hairs need time to convert themselves in terminal hairs and that is a lengthy process. Do not disturb your facial hair growth by shaping, or shaving it let it grow in its natural way, what happens is when you start shaving your vellus hairs they don't help you to grow it back more rapidly but when you let them grow in their natural state they find their way towards growth and transform into terminal hairs more quickly as terminal hairs are only achieved when vellus hairs fall off!

Just stimulate your hairs by massaging your beard, that helps to improve blood circulation towards your facial hairs and grow your beard faster.

Castor oil and Coconut oil
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You might think of investing in different beard growth products for beard washing, beard grooming and keeping your beard healthy and also might have incurred money on such products for growing a full beard, but you haven't tried the basics! One of the best beard care products are available right in your closet and are the cheapest way to grow a full beard. Yes, Castor oil and Coconut oil are one of the two most important ingredients you can use to make a natural beard oil at home without wasting money. Castor oil has an amazing property of restoring your skins natural moisture and promote beard growth, on the other hand, the coconut oil help prevent dry skin, strengthen the hairs and keep them nourished which is very important to achieve full facial hair growth

Mix them both and heat them up before applying it to your face, for better results wash your face with hot water or steam open the pores of your face so that the oil gets absorbed quickly and work better.

Take care of your Omega-3 Fatty acids
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You might don't wanna consider this important but believe me, this is one of the most important factors responsible for your beard growth, Omega-3 is one of the most important fatty acids your body needs to grow a full beard, they are inside your cell membrane and keeps your hairs healthy  and hydrated Foods like Fish (Salmon) tuna, walnuts, cod liver oil, eggs and, vegetable oils are one of the best sources of Omega 3 Fatty acids

If you are having difficulty to incorporate these above foods in your diet take an omega 3 supplement and also multivitamins, multivitamins keep your hairs healthy, improve oxidation and strengthens your muscles.

Let the experts do the grooming
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We all have been there, when we start seeing results we become expert and start grooming and shaping our beard by our own, DONT DO IT beard grooming is an art and the best way to do it is with the help of a barber. Yes, I agree there are millions of products available for washing, shaving and grooming your beard but you probably don't know the best way to do it, whenever you want to shave or groom your beard take it to a barber and let them know exactly what you want they have properly organized inventory for the same which will not affect the growth of your hairs in a negative manner.

Biotin consumption
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If you have researched about beard growth or facial hairs you have definitely come across this word "Biotin" Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin also known as B7 and is one of the most important vitamins responsible for your beard growth, Biotin is found in many foods like eggs, milk, and bananas but in small amounts to accelerate the beard growth you need to consume biotin in a slightly more amount. Biotin not only helps you in facial hairs growth but also helps in hair loss. Many biotin supplements are available in the market the best out of which is Biotinova (available in India) which has 10000 mcg of biotin per tablet.

Learn more about Biotinona here

In the United States, Natrol Biotin tablets have a same amount of Biotin in them, I highly recommend you to check them out.

Learn more about Natrol Biotin here

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At last after every attempt and after trying out different ways to grow and promote your facial hair growth if you are still not able to grow a beard don't get disappointed Minoxidil is your last resort!

Minoxidil is a topical solution available in form of liquid and foam and is used to stop hair growth and even grow new hairs, it is not approved by FDA to use on face for facial hair growth but is very much experimented and tried for the same and 90% of the results turned out to be positive. Just like every other medication Minoxidil is also a medication and is to be used at least for 6 months to see results in new hair growth on the face Minoxidil also known by its brand name Rogaine for men is a very powerful way to grow a beard.

Even if you don’t have a properly developed beard and have a patchy beard you can use Minoxidil for 6 months or more to achieve a full beard growth, people have reported side effects like increased heart rate, dryness of skin and irritation on face after using Minoxidil but all those depends on your body type and will vary from person to person. Some might not experience any of this and some might have to stop using it because of the side effects, the best way to know is to try out for yourself.

I have personally used Minoxidil for a month and have seen some amazing results in my facial hair growth in some of the patchy areas, so I would personally recommend you to check out the Kirkland Minoxidil (from Kirkland) that is one of the best Minoxidil in the market, don't mistake it as a beard oil or a beard conditioner.

Click here to buy Minoxidil in India

Click here to buy Minoxidil in The USA

Note: Before trying out any of the products which I have recommended on this blog please consult them with your Doctor and use them according to their prescription.

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