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How to perfectly trim your beard

Apart from clean shoes, stiff clothes and smelling good, there is one more aspect for standing out in public which is very important to take care off and that is grooming! Grooming and manscaping are 2 most important factors of personal hygiene which should not be ignored. Ever searched about "How to trim beard perfectly" or "How to get a perfect beard"?  You should know the importance of grooming your facial hairs as they outspeak for you in public. Today I am going over 8 tips and trick for beard grooming and beard shaving which will help you to groom your beard in a pleasing manner for a better look. 1) Hot towel on the face   You may not take it on a serious note while shaving but consider this tip and use a hot towel before starting your shave or starting your trim. Putting a hot towel on the face soften your beard and that allows you to get smoother shave even against the grain. If you are trimming your beard use th...

Fashion mistakes that go unnoticed

If you are a regular reader of Seamless lifestyle I assume that by now you groom well, smell good and behave like a well-mannered gentleman. Styling can be difficult sometimes when it comes to handling it throughout the day and people tend to make styling mistakes, that’s okay. But there are certain styling mistakes that you don't really feel you making and that goes unnoticed by you but the world sharply notices it and judge you by those mistakes.

Men style mistake, Styling mistakes men, dressing mistakes, don't do this, outfit mistakes, avoid this

Today I am going over 6 style mistakes that go unnoticed and which you need to check before you leave the house.

Crumbled handkerchief in the pockets

This is way worse than you can ever imagine, its very obvious that men keep their handkerchief in their pockets, you may keep it in the front or the back pocket as per your comfort level but carrying a crumbled handkerchief in your pants makes you look untidy it automatically bulge in your pants and makes your outfit look unattractive. The contour of the pants should flow from the waist to the bottoms and when you carry a crumbled handkerchief it breaks the contour of your trousers and destroy the flow of the outfit, take 2 minutes and iron your handkerchief before putting it in your pockets and when you use it fold it properly before you put it in your pants again.

It’s a very small styling mistake which makes a big difference in your looks and that big is adverse so take care of it.

Carrying the wallet

Men carry wallets all the time and it can get difficult to carry it all the times in your trousers. Carrying a wallet is not a problem when you wear a suit or an overcoat because there is much room in both the jackets to store your wallet and still stay in that flow of the outfit. We mostly carry bills, documents, ID cards and many other unnecessary things with us in the wallets and we like to keep them even when we don’t use it, I know you have been there.  It is not a problem to carry a bulky wallet when you wearing something loose like chinos or joggers but when you are wearing formals and tight denim trousers the bulky wallet can destroy your look when you slide it in your pockets. Also, it can give you a back strain if you sit with that wallet in your pocket as it disturbs your posture.

What to do for that? Cut the load! Remove unnecessary things from your wallets and always just carry the things which you need the most like bills and ID cards. If you can’t do that carry a man clutch with you the one with a leather finish it brings the style and also give you enough room to store all you’re not so important documents.

Dry skin

This is something you wanna focus on every time you wear shorts and flipflops or even a t-shirt. The skin looks very ugly when it dries out, you already know that. There is no doubt that keeping your skin hydrated will make it glow more and we do it but just for the face, while dressing up we don’t realize the other body parts which are exposed are moisturized or not? Trust me it is a very important part of your outfit and your personality as well make sure that before you dress up you moisturize your hands your neck and your feet properly in order to prevent white dry patches on them.

I strongly recommend you to check our article on How to maintain yourself in summer Click here

Accessories, too much of them!

One of the most common style mistakes you will do is to wear accessories, accessories for men are a must it enhances your looks and make you look more manly. But when you overdo it the same accessories make you look like an idiot and it’s the biggest style mistake or dressing mistakes a man can make. Wear some good quality accessories but know where to limit them, you cannot wear a metal watch on the suit and at the same time wear fashion bands of your favorite football club, on the other hand, it just kills the look. Always try to get your accessories in  genuine leather and invest in some good leather bands of decent color (black or brown)

Remember what u feel is the smallest can make a big impact on your looks!

Ungroomed feets

This is where things get hairy, men may consider it as a pride but body hairs totally needs to be groomed. When you're wearing shorts make sure that your feet are groomed and moisturized properly, no one is telling you to shave off your legs that can look terrible when you have a skinny body and long legs but, learn to groom them trim your legs before you wear shorts or pin roll your jeans.

If you don’t know how to master a pin-roll click here and learn about it.

Your socks

Don’t underestimate the power of these little fellas, they can create some major impression when you style them right! Learn the contrast between your outfit and your socks and always try to match them with the pants that you are wearing. Yes, you are always allowed to experiment with the contrast of your socks but never wear torn out socks, choose some comfortable socks as you stay in them all day and also make sure that they deliver quality and are from a good brand. They don’t smell bad even after wearing for long hours.

Let me know in the comment section what I miss and which of these above tips worked as a style saver for you!

Recommended article: Summer Style Hacks

Recommended style: Converse shoes  No show socks

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Seamless Lifestyle
My name is Ezaz Shaikh and I am based in India, the sole purpose of this website is to educate modern Men and Woman to dress not just in clothes but, confidence. Also to improve your take on Lifestyle and grooming! Feel free to leave your opinions and feedback in the comment and keep supporting my work, it helps me to prosper!

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