Out of all the seasons we live and enjoy, summer is the time to take vacations, expose your workouts from the gym, and be in relaxed comfortable clothes all day long. It’s the time for men to wear those muscle exposing t-shirts and show off their gains from winter on the other hand girls just slay it in style with shorts and comfortable clothing, summer is fun only until you know how to take care of yourself!
Summer can be a hell of a deal and can burn you down to ashes if you are not taking proper care of your body, it can result in serious sun strokes, sunburns, tanning of the skin and even death, its a fun season but at the same time reshapes your body adversely if not taken proper care!
Today I am going over some tips that will help you to take care of your body inside out and save you from the scorching heat of the sun so that you can enjoy summers without any upsets!
I am gonna cover Four topics here which includes Clothing, Eating habits, skin care, and Basics
1# Clothing
The reason to include clothing in this list is that summer is a trouble when it comes to choosing clothes which can keep you in comfort all day long and keep you sweat-free, no matter where you are heading. Also, it is very difficult to manage thick fabric in summer that just makes you more clumsy and doesn't allow you to enjoy your self in Summer.What I personally suggest is that you should be wearing more of the cotton-based Fabric and Linen to stay comfortable all day long. Pieces of Denim are a hell of a job to manage in Summers they are thick, tight and they feel heavy in Summers, the perfect option to go with is
CHINOS they are the perfect summer companion as they are light, keeps you sweat free and allows you to stay in comfort all day long.
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Perfect Summer outfit CHINOS
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What kind of clothes to wear also depends on the occasion you are wearing them for eg, if you are dressing up for work, formals and Chinos are the thing you should be focusing on they keep you dry and sweat free, as if you are looking for some comfortable shoes try Loafers and Moccasins! They are like a miracle in Summers, they are easy to remove and wear quickly wherever you feel uncomfortable and they are available in Different styles and variations you can pick the style which you find the best!
And the best part is they are accepted at formals and now you can rock them with a formal outfit as well!
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For casual wear, you can try Joggers and casual pants you can also style formal pants of various colors with some solid t-shirts and sneakers they enhance your looks and at the same time keeps you comfortable all day long,
Shorts are also a good thing to wear in Summers and can be styled differently the benefit of wearing shorts is that they are open and keeps your body cool and they are very Dynamic to style, but the cons of wearing shorts is that they can make your skin Tan as it is exposed to Sun also they have a limitation when it comes to the place where you can wear them.
#2 Skincare
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We all know that summers have an adverse effect on the Skin and it can damage the skin in a very serious manner! Recovering your damaged skin can include Medications, experimentations with the cosmetics, the regular visit to the Dermatologist and months of home remedies it is a hectic and a time-consuming thing and does not get better easily. What I believe is that "Precaution is better than Cure" and before you skin gets damaged you should take care of it in the very first place!
Some basic ideas which can help you save your skin from getting Tan and getting Rashes in Summer is that keep it hydrated, Summer absorbs the moisture from the body leaving it dry, and dead and it is very important to take care of that the best way to keep it hydrated is to drink lots and lots of water at least 6 liters (personal preference) keep a target to drink minimum 5 liters of water in a day, if you cant manage to do it try this thing.
Have 2 liters of water in the 1st half of the day before your lunch and have 2 litres of water before Dinner after dinner and before bedtime you can have 1 liter of water, the benefit of bifurcating the amount of water in this way is that throughout the day you will not feel bloated because of water and also it covers up your 5 liters a day target that will keep you hydrated and your skin look more glowing!
Also apply a good quality moisturizer and Sunscreen whenever you get out of the house and even in the house after a shower because many people don't know this but the rays of artificial light (Tube lights, bulbs, halogens) also have an effect of your skin. In short, always stay moisturized and apply a Sunscreen!. Everybody has a different skin type and different type of products suit different people you can try out some brands and choose which works the best for you.
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Exfoliate your skin on a daily/weekly basis, exfoliating the skin basically makes your Skin breathe in a proper manner by removing the layered-up dead skin, all the accumulated dust, and all the other impurities. When you exfoliate your skin it allows new skin to form and keeps your face and your body safe from pimples and Acne try natural
Alovera plant and not cheap Alovera gels which are available in the market, make a
mint paste that can help your skin to stay cool and reduce the sunburn, make natural
Neem paste by grinding the Neem leaves into a paste and apply it to your Acne and spots to reduce inflammation and bacterial activities. The most basic and a must thing that you can do to save your Skin from getting damages is to cover it up properly everytime you get out in the Sun, if you cannot do this probably you are the laziest person in the world, the reason you should do this is because whenever you get into the sun,. the UV rays from the fun penetrate your skin deep and give you a Tan and sunburn and believe me that removing the Tan from your face and other parts of a body is one of the most difficult things as it takes time and does not go in a day or two. Always cover up your body parts while you are out or while you are driving. It may get in the way of your style and the outfit you are wearing but it certainly saves your skin from damage.
#3 Eating habits
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What you eat you-you become and that is pretty much true in case of summer, take a note that keeping your body cool from the inside is more important than keeping it cool from the outside and
what you eat in summer really matters and your body has to process it in this scorching heat. Avoid the foods which are generally of a warm nature like Eggs, Meat, Fish etc. If you cant avoid them just lower the consumption so that overall effect is distributed, also consume more fruits which are of a liquid nature like Grapes, Watermelon, Muskmelon, Mango and also a lot of juice. The benefits of having a juice over a fruit are that it gets absorbed by the body quickly and starts working quickly.
Also, try adding smoothies to your diet plan or in your day, they are easy to make and refreshing to have. Add 2 Pinches of Sabja seeds in a glass of water and have it twice in a day to keep your body cool.
#4 Basics
We have covered the three main topics which need utmost care in Summer for you to look great and feel refreshed, let us go over some Basics and must follow tips to stay Fresh and Fit!
1. Always carry a Deo
Summer is the time where you become a sweat machine and all the sweat also brings bad-odor which not only affects you but also the people around you and you don't want that!
Before people start questioning your hygiene maintain it yourself and carry a bottle of Deodorant with you always in a car or in your backpack.
2. Napkins and Handkerchief
Don't confuse this two things but carry both of them, Handkerchief is a small and thin piece of cloth which you usually keep in pockets, where Napkin is thick and you must carry it in your bag when the atmosphere gets too Sunny and you sweat a lot use your Napkin the material of Napkin absorbs the sweat and keeps you dry, if you do the same with Handkerchief it will just get wet and spoil your pants as well when you will carry it in your pocket, keep it for a light use.
3. Face mask
If you travel on a two-wheeler this is a must! Buy a good quality face mask or if you live in metro cities like Delhi, Mumbai considers using a
3M Anti pollution Face mask as your savior it blocks pollution as well as protect your face from harmful UV rays of the sun.
4. Try not to be too clumsy
We carry a lot of things to take care of our skin, personality and body odor and sometimes taking care of all those things can result in clumsiness, try not to be clumsy and always maintain your cool, even when the weather doesn't.
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